Friday, October 27, 2006


What is up with eXlinks? Being a blogger, I was naturally inclined to click the banner that proclaimed loudly...

'exlinks is the ultimate exponential link-swapping site exploding system and it's completely free. Signing up now will give ... extra benefits'

and now, I am even more intrigued! What really got my horns blowing was this exposé :
eXlinks Exposed.

I say, try it out. What do we have to lose?

For more information on such stuff and others check out this site.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone figured out what it is yet? I'm bound to think it's either link sharing (which hasn't yielded much good on blogmad). Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

xLinks is all hype! it's vapourware!! if you don't know what that is then look it up. like everything else they announce, they said it would be released shortly and months drift by (remember what they said about hangman? they said it was undergoing maintenance and that it would be released in a few days. well weeks went past and then it never happened! like i said, it's vapourware, it's marketing by deception. it's just clever marketing....generate a lot of interest and excitiement, get everyone to post and talk about it and because of all of this the Google PR of the eXlinks website goes through the roof and then they MAY release it! Now how clever is that! It's dumbasses like you and me doing the dirty work for them! How dumb is that?

Carmen Florinda Antao said...

why does not someone tell the open truth,
cannot figure whatits all about
Give us a clear pic

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